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John Rutherford

“A Passion for Writing – Stories to stir the soul.” 

It has always been a passion of mine to write. I hope my scribbling will bring some fun and enjoyment to the readers or listeners. Have worked and traveled most of my life, I never seemed to have the time in the past. Nowadays, I’m settled in Southern Turkey, with the beautiful islands of the Aegean Sea as a beautiful environment to explore. I’ve already written several children’s stories, mythical and spiritual stories, stories that are inspired by poems, Chicken Soup stories, and stories from my adventurous past. It’s time in my life to be creative, and to use my imagination.

Bella - The Chronicles of a Karmic Dog

The story begins, when Bella’s fortunes take a turn for the worse; she becomes pregnant. After drinking too much Raki, her loose lipped human owner Bay Bulut, tells all who is listening about his profitable circumstances with the planned sale of Bella’s puppies. Unfortunately, eavesdropping villains have other plans. They abduct Bella one night from Bay Bulut’s small holding nearby Bodrum on the Mugla peninsula of Turkey.

Bella escapes her abductors and runs into the deep forest. Now she is alone, abandoned in the forest and becomes easy prey for the hunting wild animals. Her unique legacy of communicating with both wild and domesticated animals comes to her rescue. The wild animals with their instincts know she is pregnant with pups, and they start to protect her, feed her.

When she gives birth to healthy puppies the wild animals look after Bella and her brood. read more

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